Saturday, February 16, 2013

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?

God is the giver and sustainer of all life, and as Christians we enjoy liberty or freedom in Christ. But, are we to pursue happiness? Our pastor always says, “God is more concerned with our holiness than our happiness.”

A quick search of the words ‘happy’ or ‘happiness’ in the NKJV Bible produces just 24 results, whereas searching ‘holy’ or ‘holiness’ produces 610 results. Scriptures have much to say on God’s holiness, but the Bible also call us to “be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15).

It is so easy to focus on being "happy." We buy this or that to fill some void and think it will make us happy, we can't wait until we are married because then we will be happy, or when we have kids, or when they move out, etc. Our constant striving to find this elusive happiness leads to discontentment. It also causes us to miss out of the joy and blessings we have today, because we are looking toward tomorrow.

We should be focused on Christ and His word and pursuing holiness with the same zeal we strive to find happiness. As we come to know Him more fully we find true, lasting, joy and not a passing feeling of happiness.

Are you striving toward holiness or always chasing elusive happiness?

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