Sunday, February 9, 2020

Course Correction

I am not a sailor, although I did serve in the US Coast Guard Reserves. However, I do know that you need to be able to set a course and use a compass to stay on your heading. When you are on any kind of journey, it is important to know where you are going, and be able to follow directions to get there. Google tells me that being just 1 degree off course will cause you to miss your destination by 1 mile for every 60 miles you travel. Over the span of our lifetime, if we remain just 1 degree off course, the results could be disastrous!

Those of you who have followed my blog, know we have had a rough couple of years. (That may be a bit of an understatement!) My continuing health issues and physical needs have involved some large financial expenses. We recently experienced another unexpected financial setback. This week's experience has caused me to check my compass and realize that I had subtly and unintentionally drifted off course.

I dislike change, love to plan, like to be aware of what lies ahead, and feel more secure with a cushion in my savings account. Security is my love language! While none of these things is inherently wrong, it can be easy to get off course. I trust God, and know He provides all that we have. I know He has lovingly guided us through every difficult valley, and upheld us on every joyful mountain top. He alone gives, and He alone takes away.

So, when this unplanned financial issue came up a few days ago, it brought up a lot of thoughts and feelings. Fear, lack of security, frustration, and worry were quick to rear their ugly heads. I came to realize that my compass was no longer set to true north. My eyes were not fixed upon Christ, but were fixed upon my own plan to feel secure. My need to plan and control had failed me, and I sat wondering how easily I had drifted from my course (again).

Sitting atop my metaphorical boat, polishing it to a high gloss shine, I failed to make sure I was sailing a straight and sure course. I am thankful that God uses situations in our life to gently remind us to keep our eyes on the right thing: my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is not my planning, or savings account, or health that make me feel secure. Only in Christ is my future secure, and He alone is my only hope in life and death. I am very thankful for this little course correction this week, that I might avoid a more disastrous result down the road. I am in constant need of these reminders to keep my compass pointed north!

Have you checked your compass recently? Have you been drifting? Today is a great day to adjust your course, avoiding serious consequences, and place your faith in the One who can bring you safely to your destination.

Until Next Time~

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