Monday, December 24, 2018

Staring At The Glass

Some have called me a pessimist. I, however, prefer to think of myself as a realist. I will admit that if I am asked the age old question, "Is the glass half full or half empty?", my answer would always be the same. Looking at a 16 oz glass with 8 oz of liquid in it, I would say the glass is half empty. Others of you might say that the glass is half full. Realistically, whatever you call it, it is still 8 ounces of liquid in a 16 ounce cup.

Some days we might see that glass and wonder where the missing 8 ounces went. We might reflect back to a time we drank it down. Did we spill it? Waste it? Or was it a refreshing thirst quencher?

We might look at that half empty glass, and realize we started with only 8 ounces even though our travel mug has always held 16 ounces. We might begin to think it seems unfair. Why do others get a full glass, when we only get a measly 8 oz.?

There will also be days that we don't care about how much water we have at all, but are concerned more about the container. One person may have a crystal goblet, and another may have an old travel mug with a broken handle.

On days when we are feeling optimistic, we are aware of that cold 8 fluid ounces of water sitting in our cup, and we feel bad we have so much when others don't have any.

Today, on this Christmas Eve, I sit here looking at my cup, and I am simply grateful. The 8 ounces that I do have are a gift from God, the same way 16 ounces would be, or even an empty glass. It doesn't matter if my glass is big or little, glass or tin. The most important thing is to remember who gave us the gift.

Christmas is the best time to reflect upon God's perfect gift to us-- His son, Jesus Christ. Jesus says, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink" in John 7:37. I am praying we will all remember that Jesus truly is the reason for the season. I also pray that we are able to be thankful as we gather tonight and tomorrow, perhaps with family or friends, or even as we sit alone. Whether we have 16, 8 or 0 ounces in the glass in front of us, we can and should be thankful for whatever God has provided each of us, being careful not to compare it to what other people have. So this Christmas, lets give thanks to the Lord, for our cup truly does runneth over. Merry Christmas!

Until Next Time~

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