Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Still A Valley Girl

 I grew up in the 80's, like totally. You may know what a valley girl is. The term originated from the San Fernando Valley in California, and it filtered all the way to this midwestern girl in the Chicago suburbs. The 80's were totally tubular!

I was thinking of how I was, like, a valley girl, like, in high school. I started to think that I am still very much a valley girl today, but in a much different way.

When we talk about going through a valley in our life, we tend to think of a cold, dark place of isolation and loneliness and ,frequently, even pain. However, if I were to tell you that Chad and I took a vacation to the Grand Canyon, and spent a week camping out in the valley, it might seem fun and exciting! We would face challenges, even difficult ones, but overall, I think our experience would be positive. We may struggle to find food or start a fire. Outdoor bathrooms and tents might be dirty and uncomfortable.  The rough terrain could make hiking down into the canyon and back out quite a lot of work.

I would like to think that our time there, together, would also be one of rest and closeness. Being alone with someone for a long period can really bring you closer. Our journey through life, even when difficult, can be very much like this.

God tells us that He is with us in the valley, and we need not fear (Psalm 23). While the valley can be challenging and unpleasant at times, it can also be a place of refreshment for the weary and communion with God. 

I am definitely still a valley girl, as I have spent quite a lot of the last few years feeling like I am at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I am thankful for a God who is there with me, One who allows me graciously to see the beauty in the canyon's sides as I look up towards heaven. I have found some of the sweetest times of fellowship with the Lord comes in those moments when I am camped out at the bottom, seemingly alone.

This past year has gone remarkably well, and I am so grateful for the lessons I have learned in the valley. I pray that 2024 continues to be a year filled with less pain and fewer trials, but even if it isn't, I know that God will be by my side strengthening and guiding me as I look once again to climb out of the valley.


Happy New Year to you all! Keep looking up to the One who holds all who are His in His hands, and never lets them fall.(Jude 1:24-25; Isaiah 49:16)

I will leave you with one of my favorite songs. "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens.

Until Next Time


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