Monday, September 16, 2019

The Heavy Weight of Scales

Once upon a time, I lived an active lifestyle: biking, running, walking, hiking, rock climbing, swimming, kayaking, the list goes on and on. I did all of our yard work, and helped shovel snow. I did all the shopping, and errands, and was always on the move. I have always tried to eat fairly healthy, not really denying myself any guilty pleasures, but always being careful not to over do it. Both of my parents were overweight all of their adult life, and genetically I am very similar. I have always had to be aware of what I eat, how much I eat, and how many calories I burn, and even then, I could still gain a couple pounds very easily.

The older we get, our metabolisms naturally slow, and weight loss does becomes more difficult. Genetics play a huge role in metabolism, and it is difficult (but not impossible) to overcome that genetic predisposition.

As you know, I am not as active as I once was. I have trouble walking even short distances. Chronic pain and arthritis keep me from doing much with my upper body also, so I do a lot more sitting than I once did. I have read many studies showing that "sitting is the new smoking", and if that is the case, I have a 3 pack a day habit!

Lack of real exercise (combined with my genetics and poor food choices) are causing me some issues.....again. I have been overweight before following my surgery in 2009. I held steady at 122 lbs for a few years, following a strict paleo diet. It was hard, very hard at times, especially when we were away from home, but I can be very disciplined when I put my mind to it!

Last year, my cardiologist told me to start adding some whole grains to my diet for heart health. I had already been slipping a little, because eating a strict paleo diet requires fresh ingredients, lots of washing and chopping and cooking. I was feeling worse, living with daily intense pain. I was having more difficulties doing my shopping, and stopped going to so many stores for fresh foods every few days. Cooking complicated recipes became too much on some days. The changes were small at first, and I rationalized that "it wouldn't hurt just this once" to eat something unhealthy. It wasn't long before "adding whole grains to my diet" just became "let's have a bowl of ice cream after dinner".

I convinced myself that I would work harder tomorrow. I rationalized that I was still eating more healthy food than bad, and it wasn't necessary to deprive myself of yummy treats. Now, 30 lbs later, I am nearing that weight I was back in 2012 when I started the paleo journey. My blood pressure is elevated again, and I am on medication for that. My blood sugar is out of whack frequently, and I am having digestive troubles again.

Anyone who has struggled with food, understands the mental games we play with ourselves. We promise ourselves it will be "just a little bit" or "just this once". The diet will start (over again) on Monday. A few pounds heavier, and we think we will cut back for a few days, or increase activity, and the weight will leave again....but we keep on doing the things we hate and having "just a little bit more." I have gained 30 lbs. The scale doesn't lie.

We play similar mental games to convince ourselves we are "good people." Sure, we have done some bad things (not too bad), said something we shouldn't have (not as bad as what other people say though), or thought things that aren't kind (but didn't actually act upon them). We add up all our good deeds on one side of the scale, and hope it outweighs the pile of bad things on the other side. The trouble is, that the scale doesn't lie, even if we try to convince ourselves.

The truth is that every thought, word, and deed is tainted with sin. The scale shows the truth, and there is no hiding from it when we step on. Hiding my head in the sand, or rationalizing does not change the fact: I am gaining too much weight, and it is not healthy. I am also a sinner, whose sins far outweigh the "good deeds" I have tried to do. Thankfully, Christ has come to take the weight of our sins upon Himself, for all who believe and repent. So, when God weighs our deeds, He will only see Jesus Christ, and His works where ours should be.

He is also here to offer grace, wisdom, and peace to me as I struggle to find a way to live as healthy as I can. Diet and exercise advice are all over the map! Having a disability makes exercising much more difficult, and I am still trying to find activities I can safely do without falling, or causing myself too much pain. I am trying to take one day at a time, trying to dig deep and find the discipline to eat right again, but I am also trying to extend grace to myself. I am so thankful to know that in all of my failings, Christ's forgiveness and mercy are never beyond reach.

Until Next Time~

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