Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pinball Wizard

Pinball gets a bad rap. Whenever I hear a reference to it, it is often in regards to feeling like the ball, being knocked around, seemingly senselessly. What if we changed our focus? What if we instead think of the pinball wizard? We could recognize the amount of skill and coordination the game takes. We can admire the knowledge of physics and geometry needed to do well. We could see the gentle touch used. Appreciate the wisdom to know when to use force sparingly and with precise timing, without seeing the dreaded "tilt". There is a true rhythm to the game, where the ball is not a helpless victim, but a willing participant. A tool used in reaching the goal.

None of my analogies are perfect, but I do get these crazy ideas that help explain my life! I will admit, I have felt like that poor, metal ball being whacked about, just trying to get in the safety of that hole at the bottom of the game, not realizing that would be game over.

I have had so many migraines in the past few weeks, in addition to everything else, that it is hard not to feel like that ball. Then, one day this song got stuck in my head, and I started thinking. What if I stop focusing on the ball, and instead focus on the fact there is a pinball wizard moving the ball exactly how, when, and where he wants to?

A change in perspective can give us a change in attitude. While God is not a "pinball wizard" and I don't believe God is whacking us around a game board, I do know that every move my life takes is a planned move. God is gently nudging me, directing me, keeping me from that darkness of that hole that appears quiet and safe at the bottom of the pinball game. He keeps me from falling in the pit. God's loving care keeps me going, gives my hope, directs my path. I do not need to worry that our lives will go "tilt" as 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 promises:

"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed."

Praying my migraines cease, but so very thankful for the loving, rubber bumpers that the Lord uses to steer me away from paths I should not take. He uses the gentle touch I need. I can trust I won't be crushed or destroyed, even if there are difficult times. 

Until Next Time~

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