Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Results Are In

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I was able to see my MRI report and will return to the doctor on January 2nd to see what is next for me. The MRI shows one new, mildly bulging disc. It shows more degenerative changes to the two other herniated discs with bone spur growth, which are pressing on the nerves causing my arm numbness.

So, what does all this mean? Thankfully it means that my upper body is not affected by the newest neurological disease. However, it does mean that the Undifferentiated Spondyloarthropathy, that I was first diagnosed with in 1998, is causing continued degeneration. This causes me a lot of pain, and is now making my arms/hands numb. This can be treated with medications, physical therapy, and surgery, but is also an autoimmune disease that is not "curable."

Please pray that the doctors and I would have wisdom as to the best course of action. Please pray for pain relief. In addition, I will see the cardiologist on December 29th, because of continued abnormal heart beats. Hopefully the next two weeks will provide a few options that can help.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Until Next Time

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